5150 - Patti Wall
A Hand to Hold - Tim Wesemann
All Our Girls - Dante Orange
And No One Mourned - Ky Rogers
Amelia was Here! - Millie West
Amy & Edna - Laura Morton
Backup Plan - Tom Jordan
Barons - Jarrod Kloiberm + Ben Tedesco
Bison Man - Michael Rhodes
Bleeding Edge - Jess Gupta
Blooded Offsprings - Luigi Monteleone
By the Light of the Moon - Quinlan Orear
California King Cool - Eli Stern
Cheremere - Paolo Taddei
Crash Backwards - Randall Hahn
Cuddabuh - Leah Bognanni
Cupid’s Curse - Griff Kohout + Micah Goldman
DEA - Peter Noel
Dollar Van - Matt Baetz
Double Helix - Chris Willis
Edie - Paul Catalanotto
Fever Dream - Jordan Horowitz
Fight Like Hell - Solomon Abbott
First Drop of Rain - James Brosnahan
For Her Own Good -Thomas Marrier
Girl on a Swing - Shanna Reed
Granada - Miroslav Drvenica
Guidance - Zach Paul Brown
Gunsel - John Ingle
Happy Badass - Anniken Gjelstad
Hardpan - Matt Ferrin + James Gannon
Heatstroke - Keegan Bartel
Ill-Acquired Taste - Barron Young
Iron Lady - Rick Omi
I Would Like To Thank - Benedict Ransley
Jail Break - Jordan Taylor
Joan of Arkansas - Isabelle Davis
Joey of Suburbia - Rachel Taenzler
Killed Twice in Texas - Jayson Crittenden
Kindred Spirits - David Allen
Kismet - Dane Reade
Let’s Kill Ourselves - Eddie Bick + Brian Diroff
Little Monkey - Patrick Parton
Living in the Moments - Stephen Beyer
Making a Sci Fi Movie - Phillip Tucker
Mama Hospital - Sara Vitale + Ellen Klein Pillsbury
Meet Me at the Lighthouse - Miranda Filippides
Modern Art - Laurence Fuller
Noah & Camille - Catherine Delaloye
No Overnight Parking - Meg Swertlow
Off the Strip - Jonathan Wickremasinghe-Kuhn
One or Two Petals - Luan Araujo
Over the Roofs of Paris - Ben Mimmack
Pages From the Green Book - Janae Green + Aileen Natalia
Philia - Marilyn Hegefeld
Pass Me Over - Amanda Lamarr
Pixel Killer - Amy Blackwelder
Popular - Marley Schneier
Project Eradicate - Arthur Gleen
Queens of Clarendon - Chantal Eyong
Rebels - Francoise Gralewski
Red Brick Road - V.C. Rhone
Red Winter - Matthew McPhee
Release - Stacie Shellner
River’s Fall - Steven Howard
Safe - Sedona Feretto
Save the Date - Alex Rubin
Saving Ivy - Loretta Caravette
Spartan Mansion - Stacey Spivey
Sundown - Nikki Wheeler
The Abyssinian - L.E. Coleman
The Caravan - David Beshears
The Cavaliere - Matthew Habibeh
The Contest - John Wood
The Devil is Hiding - James Nee
The Gorge - Ryan Gavan
The Heist Club - Brian Tuttle
The Hotel Barbers - Daniel Woburn
The House in Coyoacán - Lore V. Olivera
The Night Letter - Annette Maxberry-Carrara
The One - Nikki Wheeler
The Pinch - James Raynor
The Seedling - Kevin Howard
The Show - Patrick McGrath
The Spotter - Julian Renner
The Strange Affair of the Elevator - Kay Regnery
The Superlatives - Lilian Tanner
The Unbearable Cost of Mercy - Jeanne Haskin
The Wardrobe - Peter Noel
The Warm Season - Adam Seidel
Things Kept Hidden - Christopher O'Bryant
This Ride - Aaron Steinberg
Throwback Thursday - Mark Jones
Time of Death - David Sheppard
Tower 9 - Clint Ross
Trial By Fire - Dan Sullivan
Tyrone and the Looking Glass - Timothy Ware
Umbra - Sepand Mashiahof
Unmatched - Arthur Tiersky
Unreachable Divide - Troy Flangas
Up and Up - J Glenn Cook
Welcome to Nuristan - James F Christ
Whalen Manor - Aaron Michael Bailey
When You're Strange - Douglas Spaltro
Windigo - James Holmes
Winchester Bay - Michael Bell
Xena & Jonny - Robert Brown
400 - Steven Washington
40 for the Goat - Emil Gallardo
A Kid Named Leslie - Lexx Truss
Carlos/The Prisoner - Justin Ferrato
Courage - Shazib Khan
Distancing - Gabby Beans
Famous - Maud Brizard
From the Face of an Angel - Frank Vespe
Greenwood - Evan Murray
Half That You See - Hannah Boyle + Courtney Nightingale
Heist - Kevin Machate
Lenny’s Luck - Colin Pierce
Love Bugs - Heidi James
Monster - Kurt Choate
Rainpours - J.L. Paxxiel
Sitting Duck - Aarons Barrocas
Stay Inside - Jacob Eisenstein
The Ark - Joel H. Brewster
The Cynic - Alex Clark
The Hunt - John Sanderson
The Lion - Samantha Duncan
The Octopus - Sierra Falconer
Vegan-tarian - Brian Cohen
What Happened to Virtue - Leah Barsanti
Within - Ferdos Heidari
Bipolar - Adam Rapp
Buzzed - Cote Bellard
Changing Views - Kari Mote
Chasing Cool - Stephanie Turci
Coal - William Fowler -
Cross the Line - Miles Randal
Damsel on a Quest - Jocelyn Manns + Ryan Manns
Danny Henson - A.J. Ciccotelli
Disparity of Doom - Alexander Merelo
Fallen Society - Jonathan Christian
Fics - Chloe Spencer
Find Your Pack - Nichole Redmiles
Gumshoe - Jack Gregson
Harrison, Ark - Jonquil Goode
Joyless - Jocelyn Manns + Ryan Manns
Legacy - Shane Walsh-Smith
Life After Baby - Jennifer Le Roux
Lincoln File - Josh Price
Madams - Lainee Frizzo
Marissa Goes to Washington - Melissa Tucker
Milestones - Sir Allen C. Short
Namesake - Bunmi Famuyiwa
Noob - Zina Kresin
No Thank You - Brittany Kelly
Outrider - Faye Upton
Overachievers - Cynthia Mersten
Protection Agency -Mark Marinaccio
Queen Margaret - Julie Baker
Rise of the Saurians - Heather Parra
Shrouded - Jason Rhodes
Terminal - Dan Ast
The Authentic Step - Denise Winkelman
The Cavaliere - Matthew Habibeh
The Eldritch - Malcolm Taylor
The Estate - Jennifer Johnstone
The Extraction List - Renee Meland​
The Lonely and the Damned - Javier Tessari
The Last Straw - Jake Ward
The North Village - Maria Sherron
The Road Home - Clint Murphy
The Weasel - Brianna Cohen
Tira'allara - Tavyn Genty
To Be Honest - Jennifer Le Roux
To the Depths - Benjamin Fraser
Unplanned - Cat Davis + Scott Peterman
Valley of Secrets - Matt Curtsinger
Vanguard - Christian Maxwell
Veterinary Law - Dennis Paul
Were - Carter Friend
We Don't Play Games - John Miller
What We’re Made Of - Brandon Duncan
Wild, Wild, Wes - Zach Paul Brown
With Friends Like These - Matt Epstein
Westphall - Keith St. Lawrence